Images tagged "shadowal"

0 thoughts on “Images tagged "shadowal"

  1. Christopher Simmons

    She must have been pretty hung over not to notice a little thing like that…what was she drinking??


    A better question… what in the h*** was she smoking… and where can we get some????? THE COLONEL

  3. Tjimmy1999

    Well this was a fun comic to finally get through. I put off reading this for far too long.

  4. Christian Allen

    We need a live action of Daisy diner, Cassie0pia as Daisy, Rachel raxxx as Monique and a whole bunch of A list tall celebrities. Film and directed by Jklind.

  5. Jay

    I’m so glad that this comic isn’t completely dead. I know how hard it can be to find motivation, even for something you love to do. Take the time you need.

  6. Bakaruku

    Bummer, i reach the end! Very fun comic. Like the characters too. Hope we’ll get another chapter sometime. Take care of yourself.

  7. Spark

    It sounds like you’re really going through a hard time, and I’m profoundly sorry for that. If it helps at all, I’m one of the ones who would read the wall of text, and I’ve no doubt there are others. I honestly wish you all the best, whatever form that takes, and I want to thank you for all the good times that came about because of Daisy’s Diner.
