Tag Archives: Christmas

Stocking Stuffers

Originally there was going to be a couple more panels to make this a full comic page, but there was no time. The gag I’d planned for those panels will most definitely be recycled later, though!

Late Christmas

Far too often, I’ll have an idea but not enough time or energy to work on it. This was one of those. It started as a pinup, then became a 2-3 page comic, but my schedule forced me to cut back to just a pinup. After Christmas I decided to do the first comic page anyway, because the pinup just isn’t complete without it.

Good bedside manner all around

Okay, NOW my Christmas comic is officially done!  I know “it was just a dream” is a cheap cop-out, but I needed some way to explain away Rose’s transformation.  That and I couldn’t resist Violet’s zombie bit.

This page also marks the first official in-canon appearances of aunts Mercy and…  whatever Violet’s mom’s name is.  This is her first appearance, official or otherwise, and I haven’t decided on her name just yet.

She’s A Hugger

And with this, my Christmas comic is finally complete!  …unless I decide to draw the 4th page I’d been thinking about that would tie a nice little bow on this whole thing…

While this isn’t the first time I’ve drawn her, this is the first appearance of Daisy & Rose’s mother, Lily, in my comics.  There’s not much to say about her just yet, other than she’s also super-tall, and she’s a hugger.   In fact, just as Daisy & Rose are meant to be opposites, Lily may be her own sister’s opposite…

She tiny!

The center portion of this page is where this whole thing got started – back in October I’d thumbnailed this image, with Rose asking “this isn’t going to be permanent, is it?”  I’d been toying with making mini-Rose a regular thing, mostly because it’s much easier to pose her against Daisy.